“I can’t thank you enough for your expertise and tremendous support during such an uneasy time in my life. Your treatments and feedback were an oasis of relief, particularly in those last few weeks before my unanticipated positive test. I appreciate all that you’ve done thus far, and look forward to keeping in touch and seeing you again sometime soon!”
— NJ
“Dear Casey, I simply can’t thank you enough. First, of course, for the thoughtful, holistic and effective healthcare. I believe your care helped me get pregnant and I know your guidance helped the baby stay healthy. But, I also want to thank you for being such a terrific listener and source of support. You helped me stay hopeful when I was discouraged and calm when I was worried. It’s been such an intense and exciting time, and you and my husband are the only ones I had to share it with. Your help and support has meant the world to me.”
— AG
“Anyway, you have my unending gratitude. This is the latest of picture of J. She truly is perfect—such a sweet, easy baby. And D absolutely loves her! Thank you so much for helping make my dreams come true. You have had such a great impact on my life!”
— SG
“Dear Casey, Thank you so much for helping this sweet little miracle come to be! Our daughter is amazing—and we are very happy! These are such precious…and crazy new days!”
— KR
“Casey—Thank you! Your support through my pregnancy was SO helpful, on so many different levels!”
— GD
“Dear Casey, I thought about you yesterday...I was thinking about your good energy and what a great experience I had during my pre-natal visits with you. I know your treatments were a significant part of my wellness while I was carrying my baby—so part of his wellness too”